Our Mission and Purpose.

Carpenters for Christ is a nondenominational organization whose purpose is to help fellow believers with the construction of needed Church buildings. Carpenters for Christ joins volunteer carpenters from all walks of life to raise a hammer together and help our fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith. Carpenters for Christ's mission is to spread the Word of Christ to the lost, for the harvest is truly plentiful.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Denham Springs, Louisiana Mission Trip 2008

This year was a really blessed year.
We were able to work with a Sister Church that we had worked with in the past. It was truly like going home. The believers we partnered with are amazing. What a blessing it was to get to see them all once again.
God is really growing their Church not only in number but in wisdom and love for the lost.

As a team we were able to accomplish things that were not possible with a mere crew of 28.
God protected us, sustained us, and gave us the joy to work for the glory of His name and for His sake.

Through God's grace we were able to put up metal on the outside of the building, hung most of the sheet rock, install doors, drop ceilings, disassembled the outside wall, built and installed stairs, and other small jobs.

We had the young and old, father and daughter, brother and sister, husband and wife, cousins and dear old friends join us for the trip. It was like a homecoming.
We all struggled with the reality that the week had to end.
I suppose that is one of the most beautiful things about heaven.
We will never have to say good-bye. Never feel the pain of telling fellow believers good-bye in far away places with the hope of seeing them again on this earth.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The kind of sort we need.

Part of the 2007 Carpenters for Christ group.

One of our dear cooks and mother hen. This was our Sunday afternoon trip to Texas.

Each year many people ask us various questions like....

  1. Who goes on these trips?
  2. How old is too old?
  3. How young is too young?
  4. What if I know nothing about carpentry, won't I just get in the way?

These are all questions that we hear often, so I thought I would share some answers to these questions.

  1. Who goes on these trips?

Many different people from many different walks of life join Carpenters for Christ each year.
Such as....
  • Business man,
  • Firemen,
  • Carpenters,
  • Painters,
  • Teachers,
  • College Students,
  • High school and middle schoolers,
  • Families,
  • Those who are retired
  • And many others.
All of these people come with one thing in common, a willing and faithful heart to serve their LORD through a hammer and nail.

2. How old is too old?

If you are willing and able to come along side us and serve our LORD there is no age too old. We have had a Sister join us who was seventy three year old when she joined us. A willing heart is what matters the most.

3. How young is too young?

Because of the use of power tools and building materials CFC requires that each young person not accompanied by their parent must be twelve years of age or older. If their parent is with them the child's age is discussed with one of the leaders of CFC and approval is given for them to join in the trip. These age limits are all done with the safety of the child as highest priority.

4. What if I know nothing about carpentry, won't I just get in the way?

Your knowledge of carpentry is not the defining factor in joining CFC. What matters most is that you seek to honor the LORD in your work. There are many people who know about carpentry that love to share their knowledge with new comers. A willingness to learn is the key. There are many ways to join in and be a part of the work such as.....
  • Cooking meals
  • Providing water for the workers
  • Cleaning the building
  • Moving wood
  • Helping the person at the saw
  • Keeping scrap wood that comes from the saw in a pile to prevent someone from falling
  • Cleaning up the work site at the end of the day
  • And the list goes on and on....

What honors God is your heart.
Come with willingness and you will be amazed at the things that God can do in and through your life.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Some Fun Pictures From Last Years Trip to Bossier City, LA

Late night songs~

If the building blows up we know who to blame... (they did most of the electrical work)

Working together~

Sunday Morning... the cleanest you will see this crew all week. :)

Thursday night "Awards Service".

We hope that you all can join us this summer and be a part of all these wonderful memories.

If you have any questions and or concerns please leave a comment, we are here for you.

Thank you for your willingness to serve our LORD.

Friday, April 4, 2008

A regular work day.

The Beginning of the day-

Each work day begins around seven with a group prayer, we "Circle Up" which involves all members holding hands and forming a circle on the job site, we pray for the safety of the day and that God would be honored in all that is said and done.
After the prayer each volunteer is assigned a job and a team to work with for a specific project, such as vinal siding, framing walls, or putting shingles on the roof.

Carpenters with years of experience come along side those who have never picked up a hammer before and instruct and work with them in brotherly and sisterly love.
We work for about an hour or so, and then break for breakfast.


Breakfast is usually biscuits eggs, bacon, grits, gravy, jelly, juice, and coffee!
After a morning devotion, and prayer we head back to the work site.


We return back to our respected posts and continue working for the rest of the morning.
Everyone looks out for those working around them, reminding them to drink more water, sit down when their face gets red, and to watch their head when they climb up the scaffolds!


Around noon we head to lunch, this is always a blessing, and can be anywhere from a sandwich to Cajun gumbo.
After our noon devotion and prayer we head back to the job site to complete our projects.


When we head back to work in the afternoon we usually stay with the team that we started with in the morning, working together to complete our project.
We make sure and take water breaks during this time of the day because of the heat and UV rays that are so dominate during this time of day.

End of the work day-

The work day usually ends early to late afternoon depending on how high the temperature is each day.
We you hear "Circle Up" you know that the work day is over. We all join hands in a circle and thank the LORD for the work that He had allowed us to complete this day and for the protection that He has provided.

Then it is off to a MUCH needed shower (Ladies first).

Hope that this has given you a glimpse of a day on a Carpenters for Christ mission trip.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you have a question or a concern.
We are here for YOU!
Thank you for your time and your willingness to serve the LORD through missions.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Important Dates.

The following are just a few dates and deadlines that are important for this years Carpenters for Christ trip. As a planner myself, I like to know what is up ahead and prefer as little unknowns as possible, I hope that this helps diminish any of those unknowns that you may have. Please feel free to comment.
  • May 10th: This is the date for the conformation of all those attending the CFC mission trip this summer.
  • May 18th: This is the deadline for payment of the trip. The cost is $150.00. This payment can be in cash or a check. If you pay with a check please make it out to Carpenters for Christ. Your payment will help with the cost of rental vans, gas, and needed groceries during our stay in Denham Springs.
  • June 6th: This is the day that we all look forward to! Friday June 6th is the day that we pull out of Riverside Baptist Church and head to our destination-Denham Springs Louisiana. We will all meet at Riverside Baptist Church at 7am. We will travel in fifteen passenger vans, and the luggage is stored in the backs of the vans or in the tool vans that follow behind the rental vans.
  • June 13th: Last but not least, this is the date that we will return to Rome, GA. We will return to the Riverside parking lot. You can leave your car there or you can have someone meet you there, whatever is best for you. This day is sad, but as "they" say, all good things must come to an end. ;)
We hope to see you all this summer.
Thank you for your time and interest in serving our LORD.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Where we are going; What we are doing.

Carpenters for Christ will be going to Live Oak Baptist Church in Denham Springs, Louisiana;
June 6-13, 2008.
We have been blessed to work with LOBC in the past and we are very excited to be able to work with them once again. We have found that this Church is very kind, loving, caring, and very hospitable! They have proved each year to be top notch Cajun Cooks!!
CFC is very excited about our journey to Denham Springs this summer.

CFC will be helping with the expansion of their existing building. LOBC is growing in leaps and bounds from the growth of their community due to Hurricane Katrina. They are in great need of added Sunday School space and the expansion of their existing building will be for this purpose.

We hope that you can join us this summer!
Thank you for your time and interest in serving our LORD.
Again if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and we will answer ASAP. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What to pack.

I remember my first trip with CFC. My bag would not have made it through the baggage claim ;)
I am sure that it weighed well over 75 pounds, well not really, but I just knew that I was going to forget something.
So this post is for all those like me, who have never been or have been and would like some tips on those things that you may need.
Again, if you still have any questions after you read this post leave a comment with you question(s)
and or concerns and we will be happy to answer them! We are here for YOU!

  • Tee Shirts-preferably ones that you would not mind getting really dirty, at least 6.
  • Shorts-again those that you would not mind getting really dirty. For the girls please remember that we are representing the Church, so make sure they are not too short, and guys please make sure they stay above the waist. :)
  • Hat- The kind is totally up to you! But we would strongly suggest that you bring one along to help you fight of the UV rays of the hot June weather.
  • Socks-at least 7 pair.
  • Work Shoes-Again, those that you would not mind getting really dirty. :) We suggest that if you have problems with your ankles that you wear shoes that would be supportive of your ankles to prevent further damage, such as a boot.
  • Pajamas
  • Tooth Brush
  • Tooth Paste
  • Brush
  • Toiletries
  • Towels
  • Wash cloths or a lufa sponge.
  • Camera - This is totally up to you, I really enjoy taking pictures and looking at them when I return home, but this is not an essential for the trip.
  • Flip flops for the shower- Due to the fact that we stay at the church that we are helping to build we often use showers that have been constructed at or before our arrival to the site. So you may want a little padding and protection under you little toes. :) Don't worry though, they are really not that bad. :)
  • Air mattress and or Sleeping Bag-To promote fellowship and decrease our cost we board at the church that we are working at. Most of the time these Churches have existing buildings so we all bunk in the Sunday School rooms according to our gender. This is always done in a very honorable and respectful manner.
  • Pillow
  • Bible
  • One Sunday outfit- We always attend the service of the Church that we are helping. Your outfit is completely up to you and your convictions of Sunday Attire, just keep it wholesome.
  • Sweatshirt and warm pants-one of each. We have found that all of the Churches that we have helped love to keep their Churches COLD!! So, beings how we STAY in the Churches, we suggest that you be prepared for this cold climate at the end of the work day. No need for a parka, just you favorite sweats. :)
  • Casual Clothes- We usually go out to eat as a group for dinner one time while we are all together, so according to your taste pack up an outfit for a great Cajun meal! If you desire you can also bring casual clothes to wear after you shower in the evenings after work, some just wear a clean pair of work clothes, the choice is up to you. :)
  • Your favorite snacks- for the ride and for the evenings after work.
  • A little extra cash-We usually eat on the way for breakfast and on the way home at breakfast and lunch, these are not 5 star restaurants , so the cost is about $5-$7 a meal, depending on your taste. Last year we went to Bass Pro but I believe this year or site seeing will be limited to the ice cream pallor. :) But hey, everyone loves ice cream. :)
  • If by chance I have missed something, or you forget your tooth brush the morning we leave, have no fear for Wal-Mart is always near!
Hope this has been helpful, please feel free to comment with your questions and or concerns!
We are here for YOU!!!

Thank you for your time and willingness to serve our LORD.

Monday, March 24, 2008


This is a blog created with you in mind. I hope that this will supply you with needed information about Carpenters for Christ trips; Such as
  • Where we are going
  • What to bring
  • How long we will be staying,
  • How long it takes to get from Rome to our destination and so on.

If there are any questions that are not answered from these posts please feel free to leave a comment with your questions and or concerns. We are here to help you and to inform you about the opportunity that you have to join the LORD in missions this summer.

Thank you for your interest and time!!