Our Mission and Purpose.

Carpenters for Christ is a nondenominational organization whose purpose is to help fellow believers with the construction of needed Church buildings. Carpenters for Christ joins volunteer carpenters from all walks of life to raise a hammer together and help our fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith. Carpenters for Christ's mission is to spread the Word of Christ to the lost, for the harvest is truly plentiful.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The kind of sort we need.

Part of the 2007 Carpenters for Christ group.

One of our dear cooks and mother hen. This was our Sunday afternoon trip to Texas.

Each year many people ask us various questions like....

  1. Who goes on these trips?
  2. How old is too old?
  3. How young is too young?
  4. What if I know nothing about carpentry, won't I just get in the way?

These are all questions that we hear often, so I thought I would share some answers to these questions.

  1. Who goes on these trips?

Many different people from many different walks of life join Carpenters for Christ each year.
Such as....
  • Business man,
  • Firemen,
  • Carpenters,
  • Painters,
  • Teachers,
  • College Students,
  • High school and middle schoolers,
  • Families,
  • Those who are retired
  • And many others.
All of these people come with one thing in common, a willing and faithful heart to serve their LORD through a hammer and nail.

2. How old is too old?

If you are willing and able to come along side us and serve our LORD there is no age too old. We have had a Sister join us who was seventy three year old when she joined us. A willing heart is what matters the most.

3. How young is too young?

Because of the use of power tools and building materials CFC requires that each young person not accompanied by their parent must be twelve years of age or older. If their parent is with them the child's age is discussed with one of the leaders of CFC and approval is given for them to join in the trip. These age limits are all done with the safety of the child as highest priority.

4. What if I know nothing about carpentry, won't I just get in the way?

Your knowledge of carpentry is not the defining factor in joining CFC. What matters most is that you seek to honor the LORD in your work. There are many people who know about carpentry that love to share their knowledge with new comers. A willingness to learn is the key. There are many ways to join in and be a part of the work such as.....
  • Cooking meals
  • Providing water for the workers
  • Cleaning the building
  • Moving wood
  • Helping the person at the saw
  • Keeping scrap wood that comes from the saw in a pile to prevent someone from falling
  • Cleaning up the work site at the end of the day
  • And the list goes on and on....

What honors God is your heart.
Come with willingness and you will be amazed at the things that God can do in and through your life.


Leah-Joy said...

I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is hard to believe that it is ONLY
three days till we leave!!!!!

Deborah said...

Hey everybody!!

This is the week, and I pray the Lord's blessings on you all.

Thinking of you...
