Our Mission and Purpose.

Carpenters for Christ is a nondenominational organization whose purpose is to help fellow believers with the construction of needed Church buildings. Carpenters for Christ joins volunteer carpenters from all walks of life to raise a hammer together and help our fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith. Carpenters for Christ's mission is to spread the Word of Christ to the lost, for the harvest is truly plentiful.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Where we are going; What we are doing.

Carpenters for Christ will be going to Live Oak Baptist Church in Denham Springs, Louisiana;
June 6-13, 2008.
We have been blessed to work with LOBC in the past and we are very excited to be able to work with them once again. We have found that this Church is very kind, loving, caring, and very hospitable! They have proved each year to be top notch Cajun Cooks!!
CFC is very excited about our journey to Denham Springs this summer.

CFC will be helping with the expansion of their existing building. LOBC is growing in leaps and bounds from the growth of their community due to Hurricane Katrina. They are in great need of added Sunday School space and the expansion of their existing building will be for this purpose.

We hope that you can join us this summer!
Thank you for your time and interest in serving our LORD.
Again if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and we will answer ASAP. :)


Deborah said...

The blog is GREAT!

What an encourager you are!!

I've really enjoyed reading the posts and looking at the pictures

I love you bunches,

Leah-Joy said...

I can't wait!!!!! I miss them so much!!!!

Brant said...

I can't wait to fellowship with everyone who comes and am honored to work with C4C because they know who they are doing this for. GOD!!!!!