Our Mission and Purpose.

Carpenters for Christ is a nondenominational organization whose purpose is to help fellow believers with the construction of needed Church buildings. Carpenters for Christ joins volunteer carpenters from all walks of life to raise a hammer together and help our fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith. Carpenters for Christ's mission is to spread the Word of Christ to the lost, for the harvest is truly plentiful.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Denham Springs, Louisiana Mission Trip 2008

This year was a really blessed year.
We were able to work with a Sister Church that we had worked with in the past. It was truly like going home. The believers we partnered with are amazing. What a blessing it was to get to see them all once again.
God is really growing their Church not only in number but in wisdom and love for the lost.

As a team we were able to accomplish things that were not possible with a mere crew of 28.
God protected us, sustained us, and gave us the joy to work for the glory of His name and for His sake.

Through God's grace we were able to put up metal on the outside of the building, hung most of the sheet rock, install doors, drop ceilings, disassembled the outside wall, built and installed stairs, and other small jobs.

We had the young and old, father and daughter, brother and sister, husband and wife, cousins and dear old friends join us for the trip. It was like a homecoming.
We all struggled with the reality that the week had to end.
I suppose that is one of the most beautiful things about heaven.
We will never have to say good-bye. Never feel the pain of telling fellow believers good-bye in far away places with the hope of seeing them again on this earth.


Leah-Joy said...

What a GREAT post!!! This years trip was awesome! Can't wait to go again!!

Where did you get the little picture thing that says, CFC welcome?

Hope said...

Great post! You have such a way with words, they are always so inspirational.

Hope :)